Add the Ameda HygieniKit to your Hospital Grade Ameda Elite Breast Pump rental or purchase separately as a replacement for your Ameda pump parts.
Our milk collection system features the world’s only FDA-cleared patented defensive barrier that protects the breast milk, kit tubing, and pump from potential contaminants like bacteria and viruses while pumping. The milk collection system has everything you need to start pumping today. Experience top-of-the-line equipment found in hospitals around the country in the comfort of your home because you and your baby deserve the best there is. Ameda® HygieniKit Milk Collection Systems are without BPA or DEHP. Pump tubing exposed to aerosols of milk or water can also become contaminated with mold growth. Ameda’s kit prevents milk and/or moisture from entering tubing — eliminating the risk of dangerous mold growth. Learn more about HygieniKit’s FDA-cleared viral barrier here.
Ameda HygieniKit
The double pumping kit contains everything you need to double pump, including 25mm flanges, 4 oz bottles, 2 silicone valves, 4 universal diaphragms, and silicone tubing with adapters and caps.