About 6 months ago, I started a postpartum support group at my local church and it has been wonderful to see the community we've built over these past 6 months.
One of the main reasons I started this group was because I had a breastfeeding support group I attended every week from the time my son was a newborn until he was 12 months old. I loved this community of women because I got to ask questions I didn't have the answers to, I gained knowledge from other women asking their questions, and I felt like I had something to look forward to each week.
Coming together each week to share our struggles and our blessings has helped us cultivate gratitude and also be thankful for what we have and gain knowledge and understanding of the things we can't make sense of for ourselves.
It's so important that women in postpartum are doing life with each other, even if we don't have all the answers. Sometimes, just sharing what is on our heart and being able to get it out, helps us release our fears, anxieties, worries and doubts so we aren't holding on to them.
Have you been keeping your emotions and feelings to yourself, isolating, or not being in a community of other women who can walk alongside you?
In the Jacksonville area? I invite you right now to come to our PostBirth postpartum support group every Monday at 10AM at Journey Church in the Orange Park area of Jacksonville, FL located at 6225 Lake Gray Blvd. Jacksonville, FL
Not local? Visit https://psidirectory.com/support-group/ and enter your zip code, city or state and search their online directory or email me at info@agapedoulasllc.com and I will try to find one near you!
Need additional support? Click below to learn about our postpartum doula services!